JELLiC: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Culture - Vol 6, No 2, October 2023

JELLiC: Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture

Evolving Gender Roles in The Western Grasslands of Cameroon: Women's New World Order - Its Genesis 
Paul N. Mbangwana

Gender Projection and Gender Determination in Cameroon Pidgincreole: A Socio-Grammatical Study
Hans Mbonwuh Fonka

Myth, Nature, and the Female Terrain in Henrik Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People and Wole Soyinka’s The Swamp Dwellers
Didachos Mbeng Afuh

Women’s Dis/abilities in Identity Construction: An Intersectional Analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah 
Rigobel Ayuk Obi & Eunice Fonyuy Fondze-Fombele

Lexico-Syntactic Variations in the Fulfulde Speech of Men and Women in the City of Maroua
Hamidou Bappa (Ph.D)

Indigenous Women in Ecofeminist Politics: A Reading of Nkemngong Nkengasong’s Ancestral Earth
Fomin Edward Efuet

Patriarchy and (de)Classification of Women in Woman at Point Zero and The Secrets of Baba Segi’s Wives
Toyin Shittu

The Dynamics of Eco-Equity in Ayang Frederick’s Green Hills and Bole Butake’s Lake God
Henry Akem M. Egbe & Eugine Wirsiy Sahfan

Commodification of the Female Body and Domestic Servitude in Chika Unigwe’s On Black Sisters’ Street and Imbolo Mbue’s Behold the Dreamers
Sarah Nalova

Analysis of Gender and Language Use by Triads in Family Matters in Selected Contemporary Nollywood Movies
Afutendem Lucas Nkwetta

An Ecolinguistics Reading of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
Modest Nuel C. Ambe, PhD

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Roles in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Selected Interviews 

The Construction of Homosexuality in Imbolo Mbue’s Behold the Dreamers and How Beautiful We Were 

JELLiC: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Culture - Vol 6, No 1, June-July 2023

 JELLiC: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Culture, Vol. 6, No 1, June-July 2023


Preliminary Pages

A Linguistic Perspective on Credible Empirical Data Gathering and Analysis for Deciphering Cultural Ideologies of Gender, Sexuality and Ecology in Local Communities
Ayu’nwi N. Neba

African Cultural Wisdom: “The Earth is Burning”
Rev Fr Suh Michael Niba

Gender Role in Linguistic Performance and Academic Output: The Case of Francophone Students in Anglo-Saxon Secondary Schools in Cameroon
Solange S. Memba & Kizitus N. Mpoche

Gender Archaeologies and Ecologies of Gender in Selected African Narratives
Arthur N Njume Ndeley & Eunice Fonyuy Fondze-Fombele

Pre-Empting and Negotiating Meaning Beyond Utterances in Cameroon English
Jude T. Berinyuy

The Evolutionary Perspective of Gender in Perpetua Nkamanyang Lola’s The Lock on My Lip
Etame Agnes Mesang & F.M. Mbunda-Nekang

Inclusion of Queer Themes in The Cameroon EFL Textbooks
Yepdia Leundjeu Walter

Overhauling Patriarchy: A Feminist Reading of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House and Lola P. Nkamanyang’s The Lock On My Lips 
Gerald Niba Nforbin

The Postcolonial Arab Novel and the Intersections of Queer Polity: Reading Hasan Namir’s God in Pink
Eyong-Tiku Eyong-Ewubhe

Strengthening Cultural Ecology and Gender Perceptions in P. K. Nkamanyang Lola’s Rustles on Naked Trees
Vivian Ntemgwa Nkongmenec

Marginal Sexual Confrontations in Priscillia Manjoh’s Snare
Akou Nicholine Bongke