Publication Process

  • Acknowledgement of receipt of submitted manuscript.
  • The manuscript (without the name and affiliations of the author) is sent to two reviewers. 
  • The Review Reports are received and the editor sends the Review Reports to the authors including the terms and conditions of the publication.
Accepted Manuscript: in this case, the editor sends a request to the author(s) to pay the publication fee. Conditionally Accepted Manuscripts: (accepted subject to corrections/modifications), the editor sends the Review Reports to the author with a request to modify the paper as per the suggestions of the reviewers. Upon re-submission, the modified paper is sent to the same reviewers for a final decision. 
Rejected manuscripts: the paper can be rejected either during the Internal Review or the External Review process. When a paper is rejected, the editor sends a rejection notification and the journal stops all processes related to the paper. 
  • When all journal terms and conditions have been fulfilled, the accepted manuscript is prepared for publication. Minor editorial changes might be made in the manuscript at this stage. If the author request for an Acceptance Letter, the editor issues one at this stage. 
  • The editor sends the prepared paper to the author for final proofreading.
  • The editor notifies the author about E-Version with download link. The author has up to 5days to request for corrections/adjustments in published paper.
  • The journal is published in print by our US based publisher and distributor.
  • The editor sends a paperback copy of the journal to the authors within two weeks after print publication / within three weeks of online publication.