Call For Papers

JELLiC: Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture is currently accepting manuscripts for publication in its next issue – March 2013. JELLiC is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes research articles from and across different academic disciplines that examine issues related to Language, Literature, Culture and Critical Theory, as well as dynamic cross-disciplinary discussions that engage the links between these and other domains.

All papers published in JELLiC are peer-reviewed. The first round of review is done by internal editors to ensure that the paper conforms to the style and specialty of the journal. Papers selected from this initial review are submitted for a second round of review, which is done by external Reviewers. Contributors whose papers are accepted will be notified by email. All submitted papers are considered subject to the understanding that they have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Manuscripts should not exceed 6,000 words and should be double-spaced on A4 paper with a 1 inch margin all round. Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout. A cover sheet should include author(s) name(s), affiliation, full postal address and email address, telephone and fax numbers where possible. The name and address of the principal author responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript should appear first. A brief (max. 250 words) abstract should be provided plus up to 5 keywords.

Submission Guidelines are available HERE:

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