Language, Literature and Ecoculture

Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
23-25 July 2014

“… the culture of nature –  the ways we think, teach, talk about, and construct the natural world – is as important a terrain for struggle as the land itself.”   (Alexander Wilson)

In the global economy, human cultures continue to shape and to be shaped by ecosystems through the process of modification and commodification of the environment. The dramatic worldwide decline in natural and cultural capital is an indication that ecological systems are becoming more vulnerable. In the intellectual domain, environmental sub-disciplines have emerged with a focus on how to seek solutions for the preservation and maintenance of social-ecological systems. Ecoculture informs and is informed by the body of eco-discourses that seek to preserve the connections between knowledge (local and scientific), nature and culture.  This conference seeks to generate challenging discussions on how cultural and natural processes inform, shape, shift and/or construct perceptions of and actions toward nature. Subthemes include but are not limited to:

Ecoculture Communication
Ecoculture and Ecocriticism
Ecoculture and Language Change
Eco-Self sufficiency,
Ecocultural Ethics
Ecocultural Symbolism
Eco-Connections (Lost)
Nature and Culture
Ecosystem and Human System
Ecoculture and Literary Creativity

Proposals for 20 minutes presentations and 1-hour plenary sessions are welcomed. Abstracts of 250 words in Ms Word format (Times New Roman, Font Size 12) should be submitted to:

Opening ceremony
Keynote Address(es)
KITAL 2014 Presentations
Plenary and Parallel sessions
Cultural Night
Closing Ceremony

Scholars (Cameroon): 20.000frs
Students (Cameroon): 10.000frs

 Scholars (International): $ 100.00
Students (International): $ 50.00

• Registration fee includes breakfast, complimentary lunch, and conference material
• Registration fee does not include accommodation.

Call for Papers: January 2013
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 9th June 2014
Notification of selected abstracts: 30th June 2014
Registration Deadline: 30th June 2014

Professor Nol Alembong, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
Professor Shadrach Ambanason, University of Bamenda
Professor John Nkemngong Nkengasong, University of Yaounde 1
Dr. Oscar Labang, American Institute of Cameroon, Missouri USA
Dr. Hans Fonka, PK Fokam Institute of Excellence, Yaounde
Dr. Eunice Fombele, University of Buea
Ms Louisa Lum, University of Douala

Dr Oscar C. Labang
Chair, Cameroon English Language and Literature Association

Professor Nalova Lyonga

Vice Chancellor, University of Buea