CELLA THIRD International Conference
27-28 August 2015

Center for the Humanities
American Institute of Cameroon,
Ngoketunjia Division, North West Region, Cameroon

The pluralistic, sophisticated and technocrazy nature of contemporary existence has blurred concepts like marginality and minority that are inherent in human existence. Because technology seems to have melted several existential boundaries, and because theories of global citizenry give the impression of free access to movement, the sense of being marginal is almost waning. However, the network of global philosophy and technological connectivity are themselves apparent mechanisms of marginalization especially in the postcolonial context. Postcolonial theorists, intellectuals and writers have taken the intellectual, political and moral authority to challenge representational claims made by dominant Western/imperial cultures. Paradoxically, while these writers and theorist confront Western ideology, more severe forms of marginality are gaining ground within postcolonial society in the form class, race, gender or religion or through the promoting of “hierarchical social structures and hegemonic cultural codes” (Huggan 2001: 20).The conference on “Reimagining Marginality in a Global World” provides an opportunity for the understanding of the rich variety of artistic, linguistic, literary, technological talent, cultural and sociological ideological positions, hermeneutic and epistemic alternatives that waist at the Margin because Centerism and Canonism deprive them of their valued places.
The paradox of reading and textualizing about the Margin finds essence in the fact that the Center involuntarily receives almost equal attention. Marginality is an“oppositional discursive strategy” (Huggan 2001: 20) but the terms used in the discourses ironically generate substantial amount of synergistic energy for each other.  However, the synergism between these terms does not often result in some form of regeneration; rather it breeds denial, rejection, stigmatization, undesirability, stereotyping and a whole range of negative connotations. To talk about the Margin is to talk about the Center; and to talk about the Center is to talk about the Margin. Thus, the Center is the Margin and the Margin is the Center depending on one’s view of where and what constitute the Center or Margin. This is because in the semantic isotopic paradigm related terminologies like marginal, powerless, peripheral, minor and non-canonical (for margins) and mainstream, powerful, canonical and major (for Center) are not only flexible and relative but are more importantly contextualizable.
This conference (which holds on August 27 & 28, 2015) seeks to generate a discourse on the centrality of Margins in a global world. We seek papers in the humanities (and beyond) that articulate a reconceptualization and recontextualization of Marginality and Subalternity. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
·         Individual marginality – the marginality of a person trapped in psychological uncertainty between two social worlds
·         Literary/Authorial marginality – marginality of a literature, a literary genre or an author in relation to the canonical, 
·         Linguistic marginality – the marginality of language(s) in relation to other languages in a given context or globally
·         Cultural marginality – the marginality of local cultures and traditions in a global culture-scape,
·         Geographic marginality – peripheral locations and their relationship to the metropolitan centers
·         Epistemic marginality – the marginality of an idea, concept, theory, methodology,
·         Exelic marginality – the marginality of exiles and/or immigrant and questions of citizenry in a global world
·         Media marginality – Dismantling technological and digital hierarchies
·         Minority discourse – Towards a theory of self-definition and integration

Any other topic(s) relevant to the theme of the Conference is/are welcomed.
Proposals for 20 minutes presentations and 1-hour plenary sessions are welcomed. Abstracts of 250 words in Ms Word format (Times New Roman, Font Size 12) should be submitted to:

Opening ceremony
Keynote Address(es)
KITAL 2015 Lectures
Plenary and Parallel sessions
Visit to Babungo Fun’s Palace and Museum
Cultural Night / Closing Ceremony

Research Scholars (Cameroon): 20.000frs
Research Students (Cameroon): 10.000frs

Research Scholars (International): $ 100.00
Research Students (International): $ 50.00
• Registration fee covers breakfast, complimentary lunch, and conference material

Reduced accommodation cost at the Royal Gardens Hotel (3 Star) for early birds.
Dr. Eunice Fombele or 
Mme Mary Louisa Lum -

Call for Papers: December 2014
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 18th May 2015
Notification of selected abstracts: On rolling basis with deadline of 30thMay 2015
Conference Registration Deadline: 30th June 2015
Conference Date: 27th & 28th August 2015

Address inquiries to