JELLiC Publishing Policy

Policy on Plagiarism 
The Scientific Review Team and the Editors has a zero tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. Academic probity requires that ideas and work borrowed from others should be properly and correctly acknowledged. Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully re-read the manuscript for possible undocumented information. The Editors retain the absolute authority to reject a manuscript or cancel the publication of a paper or retract/withdraw an already published paper if any form of plagiarism is discovered. 

Policy on Originality
Submission and acceptance of articles is based on the understanding that it is the original work of the author and has not been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

Policy on Copyright 
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any data, illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

Authors retain the copyrights for articles published in the journal. However, they must grant a first publication rights to the journal. The journal (including its publisher and associates) is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. The author has the sole responsibility to bring an infringement action if he/she so desires.